We had 9 planets in our Solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.
Yes, I am probably from the last few generations that grew up studying & thinking there are 9 planets in our Solar system, because that's what we were taught in School and I always thought there were nine.
One day, one of my nine planets just disappeared. They just took it off the list... Gone!
Scientist discovered it's too small and too far to be called a Planet and there are many such smaller objects which are now called as dwarf, like Ceres it is between Mars & Jupiter.
When Pluto was removed from the list of planets in 2006, lot of people went NO!! But it's Pluto, it's so cute.
Most of us who said that had never even seen Pluto with our naked eye, may be a picture in our text books but we were disappointed, just like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang series. I don't care, Pluto is still a planet for me. Here's a picture of Pluto so you don't have to google it...
For most people and I mean orthodox religious people, this world is not more than 10,000 years old. Science says the Universe is about 13.7 billion years old, while the Bible claims the Earth is between 6000 and 10,000 years of age.
According to Hinduism, earth is 150 trillion years old. Unless you take the interpretation that no life can exist while Brahma sleeps; in which case, the age of the Universe is around 8-9 billion years.
Genesis in Bible for example talks about the creation of everything in 6 days. Obviously it took more than 6 days.
Time as we understand on earth by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years is not applicable anywhere else except Earth.
If you know anything about space and time, you'd know that the two together comprising space-time depends on the spatial reference frame of the observer, time differs for different observers in relative motion in space.
The interesting thing about Genesis is, on Day 1 God created heaven and earth. Day 2 he created light.
He then separated light and Darkness and called it Day (morning & afternoon), and named Darkness as night (evening and late hours of the night) which technically makes day 2 the first day. No "day or night" how do you even call it a day? you could not tell since there is no spatial reference frame.
Science obviously denies this 6 days creation theory, most religious scientist strongly suggest that not everything in every religious book could possibly be the word of God or from God.
There are more than 20 major religions in this world and most followers of each one really believes their religion is the only true religion. Not just that, they also firmly believe everyone else has got it wrong.
We have roughly 4200 living religions in the world today, for the sake of argument, let's assume each one has one god. Which is not the case because some have millions of gods and some have more than one but let's just say one god for every religion, we'll have 4200 gods now.
If they are all up there, all 4200 of them, and they have to be up there right? No religion ever said their god is down somewhere, everyone's god is up there somewhere. God knows where!
Imagine 4200 different gods who like to be worshiped in different ways, rituals, different places of worship, vegetarian/vegan god, non vegetarian god, god that eats, god that sleeps, flirts, rests, god with wife(s), some with wife(s) and kids. Some Gods apparently need no rest or food or family, but they are all there, in the heavens. Wherever that is...
Imagine thousands of gods, each one only takes care of the people believing in them. Don't you think they would fight and end up killing each other trying to be the most powerful god?
There can't be 4200 gods likewise there can't be a god for every goddamn thing. Imagine a god for creation, for protection, one for destruction, god of money, god of oil and gas, this is God for god's sake.
Most people's idea of God is their god knows everything, he/she/it knows about everything that happened, everything thing that is happening right now and everything that is going to happen, he is looking at you all the time. Stalker came to my mind too.
God is Eternal, the all knowing, the all wise and other things like Omnipotent and Omnipresent, which basically means their god has always been there, with no start date and can do anything and is present everywhere with no end date. Which is a cool thing to have in your God. I mean who wants a god who doesn't know shit. Do you want a god that goes "I am not sure about that one" or a god who can't be everywhere? Of course not.
Having said that, these very properties and attributes of god complicates the idea of him / her or it.
Let me ask you a question. Can your god destroy him/her/itself?
If you said yes, then your god is not Eternal, If you said No then your god is not Omnipotent. If you don't think this is a yes/no answer you can say, life and death is an earthly thing. The body dies the spirit lives, spirit cannot be destroyed. God is spirit, killing or dying isn't applicable for God (Spirit - The nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul).
I used the word Spirit because it refers to the immaterial part of humans that “connects” with God, who Himself is spirit (John 4:24).
By that logic, it means the spirit in us has been around since the time god has been around. Oh wait, god's been around even before time came into existence, god created time, at least the Time as we know it. Therefore, my spirit and god have been there and will always be there along with all the other people’s spirit.
So, why should a spirit in a body worship a spirit that is not in a body?
You may say, well god (spirit) created all spirits. Our spirits are creation of god or our spirit is part of the same spirit as god's (He breathed his spirit into you that is why he cares about you).
There are 2 problems with this spirit creation hypothesis...
1. Assume our spirit is a very tiny bit of the same spirit that belongs to God, doesn't that make all of us God? Why would God punish his/her/its own spirit?
2. Assume our spirits are new creation and not part of God's spirit. What makes our spirit eternal then? Can our spirit create another spirit or is our spirit inferior and incapable of creation? Because i'm just a spirit but no other attributes of a spirit like god's except it lives forever unable to do anything on its own.
God (the spirit) created billions and trillions of brand new spirits or bits of his own spirit and puts them in a body and the spirit lives on after the body dies, that spirit is then resurrected into a new body which goes to hell or heaven and you'll stay there forever with no end based on what you did and how you treated other people during the time you spent your life on Earth.
You have to have a new body as part of resurrection, how does it matter if a spirit is in heaven or hell unless you can feel where you are, feeling is a human thing, earthly thing you need a body to feel pleasure or pain.
When I decide to steal, cheat or murder it's the ME inside me that makes that decision, there is no denying that "ME" is my spirit. Why does part of God's spirit (ME) inside of me helps in making up my mind to do evil things, when God is telling me not to do such things?
Just so you know, you don't need to believe in a religion or God to be someone who doesn't steal, cheat or kill. Basically, a good person.
Keep these thoughts in mind let's talk a little bit about another hobby of god, The God Incarnation. Every now and then god likes to come down to earth as a person, takes the form of humans, sometimes as male, sometimes god turns into a goddess depending on which of the 4200 living religion you believe in but you cannot deny the fact that people believe their god came down to earth as a man to explain how they need to live their life in this world.
Other excuse for travel is, God came to earth to feel the pain of people that they go through as humans...
What? If god created you, your spirit, your mind, your emotions and your feelings then God knows how it feels and what you and every other human, dog, plant, stone, cloud, ocean, bicycles, molecule, atom, quarks has to get through everyday.
I always thought about this and I still wonder... If god came as man to show the right path to mankind, did god come down as a Stone for every rock, mountain and pebble? As tree for every plant & tree? As Water for the oceans? As air for air? As fish or shrimp for all the marine life?
If everything that exists in any form, all of the matter, visible, invisible, discovered, undiscovered, found, located, detected and undetected within the Universe is a creation of God then god should equally care about all creation.
I know most people are anthropocentrist, their obvious answer is if you are not human you are not important or things are less important than humans. Just stop there for a second, The Himalayan mountain range has been on this planet for over billions of years. In its current shape, form and location for over 70 million years and it is huge, you already know it's home to highest peak Mt. Everest. If god had come down as a mountain to convey the message to Himalayas, I think God would have been more happy about creating the mountains than he probably is creating humans.
Religious justification is simple and it defies logic, God created people in his own image. By the way, the word people is my choice, scriptures say god created "Man" in his own image, what about women?
And which image of god? God looks like a Chinese guy? The Scandinavian? Indian? African? Blonde or Black hair? Blue eyes or brown? small or big nose? Tall, fat, slim, dark, bald, hairy, which one is it? What is god's image?
You'll say, image has nothing to do with race. Absolutely and I'm quite sure God doesn't looks like Brad Pitt, George Clooney or Morgan Freeman.
Is it the design or the human anatomy? Tell me which species on the face of this planet does not have their organs where they belong? Everyone is perfect, they all have it right, no one has eyes in their backs and mouth in front.
Is it the thought process and self consciousness?
God is self conscious, so are we, god can think, so can we... But how is that an image of God? What is the image of consciousness and thoughts look like?
Most importantly, why do we need to look like god in the first place or why should god make copies of himself?
But wait a second, God is a spirit, isn't he? That was probably your answer when I asked if god can kill or destroy him/her/it self.
Spirit have no shape, form or gender. If it did, there is no need for a body. God specifically said that he created Man in his own image, surely he did not mean spirit, he meant body. So god created man's body in his own image when he himself has no body.
Most religious scriptures don't even talk about something as simple as big bang or Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection, no book ever mentioned the continental drift or the Dinosaurs. We all know the dinosaurs were real!
Now, almost everyone claims that their book had references to events such as big bang, etc. and if interpreted right, it all makes sense. True! Interpret here means make up as you like, add the word convenient before interpretation.
The point is we discovered more stuff then "god" has ever told us via his books & messengers.
People are still trying to crack the code and conveniently interpret verses of their respective books to whichever scientific theory or fact it even vaguely satisfies.
There is still stuff like Speed of light, black hole, nuclear fusion, etc. which no book talks about.
Muslims across the globe have the tendency to claim that Quran accurately explains one or more phenomena that is scientifically proven to be true. To which a Non-Muslim will say, so? Darwin was correct about evolution and natural selection. Galileo was right about earth orbiting the Sun, does that mean everything Darwin & Galileo said is the word of God? of course not.
Irrational people (which is a majority in most religions) will surely be offended when you ask difficult questions. Taking offense doesn't make you a believer in your god and religion, it only makes you react and respond with violence or with something completely illogical and unreasonable and you are trapped in this infinite loop of stupidity.
Taking offense is a sign of weakness, lack of faith, knowledge, and inability to explain your dogma which is more of a hallucination really, in a way that is so common, that its not even considered as hallucination.
Real belief and faith comes when you ask difficult question and find answers yourself. You have to ask the most difficult questions about your own beliefs. Questions that people who mock your belief would ask you.
Mulla on Friday, Rabbi on Saturday, Father on Sunday and Babaji on whichever day will never answer these questions nor will they ever encourage you to ask such questions.
Let's go back to science... The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has been in lower earth orbit since the 90s and its still in operation, it can capture something as far as 13 billion light years away. The speed of light is 299,792.5 km/second, 1 light year is approximately 9.461 trillion kilometers away, that multiplied by 13 billion is the range of Hubble space telescope. The farthest area looked at using HST is 15 billion light years away, that area is named the Hubble Deep Field, it is unimaginably far away.
Now try to imagine the creator of an universe that you are not capable of imagining.
It can't be done... If there is a God who created this Universe and everything in it, remember this Universe that is expanding in all directions by 75 Kms every 5 seconds, then there is really nothing you have within this Universe to compare God with, so there is no way for you to know, understand or as much as imagine God.
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Can you see Pluto? |
Yes, I am probably from the last few generations that grew up studying & thinking there are 9 planets in our Solar system, because that's what we were taught in School and I always thought there were nine.
One day, one of my nine planets just disappeared. They just took it off the list... Gone!
Scientist discovered it's too small and too far to be called a Planet and there are many such smaller objects which are now called as dwarf, like Ceres it is between Mars & Jupiter.
When Pluto was removed from the list of planets in 2006, lot of people went NO!! But it's Pluto, it's so cute.
Most of us who said that had never even seen Pluto with our naked eye, may be a picture in our text books but we were disappointed, just like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang series. I don't care, Pluto is still a planet for me. Here's a picture of Pluto so you don't have to google it...
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Its the Death Star that looks like Pluto. |
For most people and I mean orthodox religious people, this world is not more than 10,000 years old. Science says the Universe is about 13.7 billion years old, while the Bible claims the Earth is between 6000 and 10,000 years of age.
According to Hinduism, earth is 150 trillion years old. Unless you take the interpretation that no life can exist while Brahma sleeps; in which case, the age of the Universe is around 8-9 billion years.
Genesis in Bible for example talks about the creation of everything in 6 days. Obviously it took more than 6 days.
Time as we understand on earth by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years is not applicable anywhere else except Earth.
If you know anything about space and time, you'd know that the two together comprising space-time depends on the spatial reference frame of the observer, time differs for different observers in relative motion in space.
The interesting thing about Genesis is, on Day 1 God created heaven and earth. Day 2 he created light.
He then separated light and Darkness and called it Day (morning & afternoon), and named Darkness as night (evening and late hours of the night) which technically makes day 2 the first day. No "day or night" how do you even call it a day? you could not tell since there is no spatial reference frame.
Science obviously denies this 6 days creation theory, most religious scientist strongly suggest that not everything in every religious book could possibly be the word of God or from God.
There are more than 20 major religions in this world and most followers of each one really believes their religion is the only true religion. Not just that, they also firmly believe everyone else has got it wrong.
We have roughly 4200 living religions in the world today, for the sake of argument, let's assume each one has one god. Which is not the case because some have millions of gods and some have more than one but let's just say one god for every religion, we'll have 4200 gods now.
If they are all up there, all 4200 of them, and they have to be up there right? No religion ever said their god is down somewhere, everyone's god is up there somewhere. God knows where!
Imagine 4200 different gods who like to be worshiped in different ways, rituals, different places of worship, vegetarian/vegan god, non vegetarian god, god that eats, god that sleeps, flirts, rests, god with wife(s), some with wife(s) and kids. Some Gods apparently need no rest or food or family, but they are all there, in the heavens. Wherever that is...
Imagine thousands of gods, each one only takes care of the people believing in them. Don't you think they would fight and end up killing each other trying to be the most powerful god?
There can't be 4200 gods likewise there can't be a god for every goddamn thing. Imagine a god for creation, for protection, one for destruction, god of money, god of oil and gas, this is God for god's sake.
God is Eternal, the all knowing, the all wise and other things like Omnipotent and Omnipresent, which basically means their god has always been there, with no start date and can do anything and is present everywhere with no end date. Which is a cool thing to have in your God. I mean who wants a god who doesn't know shit. Do you want a god that goes "I am not sure about that one" or a god who can't be everywhere? Of course not.
Having said that, these very properties and attributes of god complicates the idea of him / her or it.
Let me ask you a question. Can your god destroy him/her/itself?
If you said yes, then your god is not Eternal, If you said No then your god is not Omnipotent. If you don't think this is a yes/no answer you can say, life and death is an earthly thing. The body dies the spirit lives, spirit cannot be destroyed. God is spirit, killing or dying isn't applicable for God (Spirit - The nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul).
I used the word Spirit because it refers to the immaterial part of humans that “connects” with God, who Himself is spirit (John 4:24).
By that logic, it means the spirit in us has been around since the time god has been around. Oh wait, god's been around even before time came into existence, god created time, at least the Time as we know it. Therefore, my spirit and god have been there and will always be there along with all the other people’s spirit.
So, why should a spirit in a body worship a spirit that is not in a body?
You may say, well god (spirit) created all spirits. Our spirits are creation of god or our spirit is part of the same spirit as god's (He breathed his spirit into you that is why he cares about you).
There are 2 problems with this spirit creation hypothesis...
1. Assume our spirit is a very tiny bit of the same spirit that belongs to God, doesn't that make all of us God? Why would God punish his/her/its own spirit?
2. Assume our spirits are new creation and not part of God's spirit. What makes our spirit eternal then? Can our spirit create another spirit or is our spirit inferior and incapable of creation? Because i'm just a spirit but no other attributes of a spirit like god's except it lives forever unable to do anything on its own.
God (the spirit) created billions and trillions of brand new spirits or bits of his own spirit and puts them in a body and the spirit lives on after the body dies, that spirit is then resurrected into a new body which goes to hell or heaven and you'll stay there forever with no end based on what you did and how you treated other people during the time you spent your life on Earth.
You have to have a new body as part of resurrection, how does it matter if a spirit is in heaven or hell unless you can feel where you are, feeling is a human thing, earthly thing you need a body to feel pleasure or pain.
When I decide to steal, cheat or murder it's the ME inside me that makes that decision, there is no denying that "ME" is my spirit. Why does part of God's spirit (ME) inside of me helps in making up my mind to do evil things, when God is telling me not to do such things?
Just so you know, you don't need to believe in a religion or God to be someone who doesn't steal, cheat or kill. Basically, a good person.
Keep these thoughts in mind let's talk a little bit about another hobby of god, The God Incarnation. Every now and then god likes to come down to earth as a person, takes the form of humans, sometimes as male, sometimes god turns into a goddess depending on which of the 4200 living religion you believe in but you cannot deny the fact that people believe their god came down to earth as a man to explain how they need to live their life in this world.
Other excuse for travel is, God came to earth to feel the pain of people that they go through as humans...
What? If god created you, your spirit, your mind, your emotions and your feelings then God knows how it feels and what you and every other human, dog, plant, stone, cloud, ocean, bicycles, molecule, atom, quarks has to get through everyday.
I always thought about this and I still wonder... If god came as man to show the right path to mankind, did god come down as a Stone for every rock, mountain and pebble? As tree for every plant & tree? As Water for the oceans? As air for air? As fish or shrimp for all the marine life?
If everything that exists in any form, all of the matter, visible, invisible, discovered, undiscovered, found, located, detected and undetected within the Universe is a creation of God then god should equally care about all creation.
I know most people are anthropocentrist, their obvious answer is if you are not human you are not important or things are less important than humans. Just stop there for a second, The Himalayan mountain range has been on this planet for over billions of years. In its current shape, form and location for over 70 million years and it is huge, you already know it's home to highest peak Mt. Everest. If god had come down as a mountain to convey the message to Himalayas, I think God would have been more happy about creating the mountains than he probably is creating humans.
Religious justification is simple and it defies logic, God created people in his own image. By the way, the word people is my choice, scriptures say god created "Man" in his own image, what about women?
And which image of god? God looks like a Chinese guy? The Scandinavian? Indian? African? Blonde or Black hair? Blue eyes or brown? small or big nose? Tall, fat, slim, dark, bald, hairy, which one is it? What is god's image?
You'll say, image has nothing to do with race. Absolutely and I'm quite sure God doesn't looks like Brad Pitt, George Clooney or Morgan Freeman.
Is it the design or the human anatomy? Tell me which species on the face of this planet does not have their organs where they belong? Everyone is perfect, they all have it right, no one has eyes in their backs and mouth in front.
Is it the thought process and self consciousness?
God is self conscious, so are we, god can think, so can we... But how is that an image of God? What is the image of consciousness and thoughts look like?
Most importantly, why do we need to look like god in the first place or why should god make copies of himself?
But wait a second, God is a spirit, isn't he? That was probably your answer when I asked if god can kill or destroy him/her/it self.
Spirit have no shape, form or gender. If it did, there is no need for a body. God specifically said that he created Man in his own image, surely he did not mean spirit, he meant body. So god created man's body in his own image when he himself has no body.
Most religious scriptures don't even talk about something as simple as big bang or Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection, no book ever mentioned the continental drift or the Dinosaurs. We all know the dinosaurs were real!
Now, almost everyone claims that their book had references to events such as big bang, etc. and if interpreted right, it all makes sense. True! Interpret here means make up as you like, add the word convenient before interpretation.
The point is we discovered more stuff then "god" has ever told us via his books & messengers.
People are still trying to crack the code and conveniently interpret verses of their respective books to whichever scientific theory or fact it even vaguely satisfies.
There is still stuff like Speed of light, black hole, nuclear fusion, etc. which no book talks about.
Muslims across the globe have the tendency to claim that Quran accurately explains one or more phenomena that is scientifically proven to be true. To which a Non-Muslim will say, so? Darwin was correct about evolution and natural selection. Galileo was right about earth orbiting the Sun, does that mean everything Darwin & Galileo said is the word of God? of course not.
Irrational people (which is a majority in most religions) will surely be offended when you ask difficult questions. Taking offense doesn't make you a believer in your god and religion, it only makes you react and respond with violence or with something completely illogical and unreasonable and you are trapped in this infinite loop of stupidity.
Taking offense is a sign of weakness, lack of faith, knowledge, and inability to explain your dogma which is more of a hallucination really, in a way that is so common, that its not even considered as hallucination.
Real belief and faith comes when you ask difficult question and find answers yourself. You have to ask the most difficult questions about your own beliefs. Questions that people who mock your belief would ask you.
Mulla on Friday, Rabbi on Saturday, Father on Sunday and Babaji on whichever day will never answer these questions nor will they ever encourage you to ask such questions.
Let's go back to science... The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has been in lower earth orbit since the 90s and its still in operation, it can capture something as far as 13 billion light years away. The speed of light is 299,792.5 km/second, 1 light year is approximately 9.461 trillion kilometers away, that multiplied by 13 billion is the range of Hubble space telescope. The farthest area looked at using HST is 15 billion light years away, that area is named the Hubble Deep Field, it is unimaginably far away.
You may think we have seen as far as the edge of the Universe. No! we've only mapped-out one sixth of the universe which is called the observable Universe.
15 billion light years multiplied by trillions of kilometers away and its not even one sixth of the Universe.
Now, try to imagine how ginormous our Universe really is. By the way It is big, REALLY BIG! The only adjective that can describe the size of the cosmos is unquantifiable.
15 billion light years multiplied by trillions of kilometers away and its not even one sixth of the Universe.
Now, try to imagine how ginormous our Universe really is. By the way It is big, REALLY BIG! The only adjective that can describe the size of the cosmos is unquantifiable.
Can you imagine? If you said yes, you lied to yourself.
No, you obviously cannot. The human brain isn't capable of understanding figures or values it cannot relate to and imagine things of such ratio and proportion. Our imaginations are infinitely flexible, yet they have their limitations. Which means you can imagine whatever you want, you may even fool yourself by thinking that you imagined it correctly but you simply cannot.
This is what the Universe sort of looks like...
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Universe Timeline |
When you cannot imagine the unquantifiable size of the creation, how can you imagine its creator?
It can't be done... If there is a God who created this Universe and everything in it, remember this Universe that is expanding in all directions by 75 Kms every 5 seconds, then there is really nothing you have within this Universe to compare God with, so there is no way for you to know, understand or as much as imagine God.
I am not saying God doesn't exist and religion is pointless. All I am saying is keep your respective gods and your religious faith and beliefs with you.
Whatever image of god you have in your head, you are absolutely right about that image, within your head. But, thinking that is the image for all people and the only image of God and your religion is the only true religion is a terrible mistake. No matter what religion you follow.
Whatever image of god you have in your head, you are absolutely right about that image, within your head. But, thinking that is the image for all people and the only image of God and your religion is the only true religion is a terrible mistake. No matter what religion you follow.
Likewise, thinking we are at the center of our Universe or God cares about us because his spirit is in us and we were created in his image or he will forgive our sins because we follow his religion is a terrible mistake too.
Here's another thought before I end this, Andromeda is the nearest galaxy to our milky way galaxy, its just 2.5 million light years away from planet Earth and it has more than 1 trillion stars in it, its plausible that each star has a solar system of its own and ten to hundreds of planets & moons within each solar system.
What if God created life in some form on every Planet of every solar system of every star in every Galaxy? or even one planet on one solar system has life in each galaxy. With the current technology of space telescopes, our best estimate is, there are over 100 billion galaxies with a trillion or more stars in each one of them. There is life on at least 100 billion different planets by that logic.
You don't think so? Why, because your creator did not bother to tell you about other creation?
Let's go back to beginning of this article, to Pluto. Most people who grew up thinking Pluto is a planet, still think it is a planet, they don't care what science or scientist say. It's stuck deep inside their head and their ego prevents them from unlearning and I guess we do the same with our gods.
Ego is the only requirement to destroy anything. So, be a bigger person skip the "e" and let it "go"...
As an agnostic I personally don't believe in a God that people believe in. I think there are two types of Gods; One that created US (The universe and every living and dead thing in it and beyond it). Two the gods that people created. I prefer the former.
In conclusion ladies and jelly-spoons, I don't know if there is a God or not, you cannot scientifically prove or disprove the existence of any god. We can't deny the feeling people experience when they are in trouble or pain and look up to a god for help.
Seems like our gods only exist in our heads.
Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930 and denounced from the list of planets in 2006. Pluto is 5.9 billion km from the Sun, while Earth only orbits at 150 million km. It takes the dwarf planet 248.09 Earth years to complete one orbit around the sun and we find that Pluto will complete its first full orbit since its discovery on Monday, March 23, 2178, on Pluto's time it was a planet for roughly about 4 months.
If you're gonna argue why monkeys and chimps didn't evolve into humans too then you know nothing about evolution. I am not going to explain this here but if you watch this little video it might help you clear your misunderstanding about Evolution.
As an agnostic I personally don't believe in a God that people believe in. I think there are two types of Gods; One that created US (The universe and every living and dead thing in it and beyond it). Two the gods that people created. I prefer the former.
In conclusion ladies and jelly-spoons, I don't know if there is a God or not, you cannot scientifically prove or disprove the existence of any god. We can't deny the feeling people experience when they are in trouble or pain and look up to a god for help.
Seems like our gods only exist in our heads.
Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930 and denounced from the list of planets in 2006. Pluto is 5.9 billion km from the Sun, while Earth only orbits at 150 million km. It takes the dwarf planet 248.09 Earth years to complete one orbit around the sun and we find that Pluto will complete its first full orbit since its discovery on Monday, March 23, 2178, on Pluto's time it was a planet for roughly about 4 months.
If you're gonna argue why monkeys and chimps didn't evolve into humans too then you know nothing about evolution. I am not going to explain this here but if you watch this little video it might help you clear your misunderstanding about Evolution.
Imagine thousands of gods, each one only takes care of the people believing in them. Don't you think they would fight and end up killing each other trying to be the most powerful god? WOW !
ReplyDeleteWhat a write up. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteWhat a write up. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteThat was huge, large, massive and humongous thing a person could have ever imagined or thought this was. BRAVO!! :D
Well written with good examples to make it simpler to understand. Well, u definitely did make me rethink and imagine about everything that exists around me!! Great !!